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Grinding Madness

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New Stuff
  dejokah, Apr 11 2009

So I finally got the money from PS even tho the check didn't clear and my account is on the red (last post) I bought some stuff, LG 22 monitor (L22WTG) and also a MSI Wind Netbook.

Really this netbook fucking RLX, it's really portable and the screen is awesome, to watch movies and play on the road it's perfect, processor-wise you can easily 12 table, watch movies, use browser,play poker while listening to music + HUD (PT) and not a single slowdown, I was expecting much less for the price, 160GB HD is also great, I'm fucking happy with this purchase great value for the monyz.

The Monitor is fucking cool too, I got this one because it was recommended for gaming so I hook it up to the Xbox 360 and play HD via VGA Cable, seriously it's awesome playing SF4, COD and L4D on HD.

Here's a pick of my new setup.

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Edit: One more to show my desktop awesomeness.

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Cashout [HALP]
  dejokah, Apr 08 2009

I requested a cashout from PS 2 weeks ago and the paper check arrived in the mail on monday, so far so good, I deposited the next day and this morning the funds were available in my account so I went to amazon and bought a netbook and some other stuff, a few hours later I went to check my account again and the check that i thought was cleared got held by a reason the bank couldn't tell me, my account is now negative $500,00 and I'm kinda worried even tho the bank manager told me this is normal and that if the check clears there won't be any problemas if it doesn't I'm gonna get screwed both with the bank and amazon.

How long does your PS checks take to clear normally ?

This one I got is from Canada (Imperial Capital Bank) and my bank is BOA.

Thanks for your help.

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  dejokah, Mar 29 2009

I never posted personal stuff in here and I was never a big fan of blogs but posting poker stuff made me realize I kinda like it, it's good to be able to look back and see what was going on in your head, based on this conclusion I'll post some things that I think are relevant and could help me make decisions in the future.

This is boring and very personal so I don't expect much input even tho I'd like to see what people that have poker as their main income have to say about it. +)

I've just spent the last 6 months at my mother's house in Florida (Lehigh Acres) and it was really fun I've met a lot of places and learned a thing or two, my time here is over and I'm going back to Brazil soon, when I decided to come and visit my mom I quit my job as a network consultant took all the money I had and got into the plane, for some time I considered the option of living here but to be honest I love Brasil, São Paulo is probably the best city in the universe and also getting a job that I would like to have here is not a very easy task, my mom is a cleaning lady her husband is a driver and they make a pretty decent living, much better then they would in Brazil with those jobs, but I'm used to a different line of work so I don't think I could do what they do.

In my old job I got to travel a lot, had flexible hours and spent a lot of time in hotel rooms working by myself or meetings with clients and giving specific courses in network security products even tho some people might consider this far from optimal I loved it, I like to work alone and do things on my own time.

When I got here I had enough money and didn't need to work, after some time the money was running low and I got back into poker just to see if I could make something of it I had some bad and good times, I really love this game and the thought that I could make a living out of it was the most awesome thing I could think of except that after endless hours of grinding microstakes I realized that it's a lot of work and the more I played the more it looked like a regular job, I could play for 1 or 2 weeks nonstop and have a blast but after that my game became pretty shitty and I had to take long breaks to get my regular game back.

Even with all this I was confident that I could beat midstakes in the near future NL50/NL100 MTTing perhaps 8-tables would be more then enough to have a good life, I also have some stock in BOVESPA (Brazilian stock market) and I was considering merging both "hobbies" to see if something good could come out of it.

Anyway I didn't play for 6 months straight in the US more like 4 with a couple of breaks between, I made two cashouts one for 400$ and the last one 1360$ that's not a lot of money but still I bought some cool stuff and I'm taking the rest of the money with me so that I can have a month to decide where my life is going.

I decided to leave only 160$ in my account and play NL10 casually rebuild from scratch and if and when I get another roll to play NL50 I'll decide what to do, for now I'm going to use something that I learned here in the US and try to become an english teacher, I gave a couple of classes to my mom's husband and a Mexican friend of his, they are both taking the citizenship test after living here for 6 years but their english is far from good, anyway I didn't charge for the classes but it was very satisfying for me to watch them learn.

Huge wall of text is almost done, I liked my job as a consultant but maybe it's time to try something new and the teacher thing really got me excited, for now poker is going to be a hobby I'll only play when I feel like playing.

Well that's all I had in my mind it should be an interesting read a couple of months from now.

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